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The Deaf Diaries | Travelling

Amy McMillan

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

After a great discussion on my blog and a twitter poll, the most voted topic to look at was being deaf and travelling! It seems like a perfect topic to discuss as I have just returned from my travels... very sad about that. I travelled to Crete from Northern Ireland and then onto Italy to explore Naples and Sapri.

I love travelling and have been to many places in my 24 years on earth! From Taiwan, Greece, Turkey, Australia and many more fantastic places and have definitely experienced the fears of being deaf in a foreign country and the tips and tricks to figure things out! First point of call is airports... oh and train stations they are not deaf friendly! I have only travelled to a few European countries on my lonesome but thankfully for longer more complicated flights I have had company! Tannoys are not my friends it does not help me one bit other than make me jump out of my skin the odd time, which means I am relying heavily on the screens that can pop up information like “final call” quicker than a toupee in a hurricane. So I spend my airport time staring at it like it’s Bake Off. However on this trip I had my mum, boyfriend and my sister so I chilled and let them doing the listening while I did eating. Airline Apps are brilliant and alert you of information about your flight, which I really encourage any deaf person to use!

Different countries mean different languages and environments, which can always be a challenge. I always personally feel nervous just with lip reading and understanding people when I’m away but I try not to let it cause me too much anxiety as there is always a way around these things and actually having my hearing aid I feel people are a lot more helpful. Plus I feel, as I’m from Northern Ireland people some time look at us a bit terrified when we talk! LOL! Just need to have more confidence when I’m away travelling hoping that will come with age. Fingers crossed!!

Due to having been travelling to Crete since I was a young wee thang, I have become used to the communications and don’t feel as anxious plus I have Greek family that are usually on hand to jump in if I look like I’m in a pickle. However I have never been to Italy where I travelled this year, so this was a brand new experience. Sapri was very chilled and calm it was easy to navigate and background noise was very minimal which was pretty much bliss! Naples was a WHOLE other ball game; I think I spent more time being weaved in and out of traffic and near accidents by my boyfriend than I did looking at anything. It was just so busy with people and traffic and I was exhausted from constantly looking back and forward and trying to make sure I wasn’t getting lost or hit by a car or bike! I kind of looked like a little lost puppy walking around Naples. So to any fellow hard of hearing adventurer stay safe in busy cities and take your time! Oh and watch your bag, I tend to be an easy target because I am busy visually taking everything else in.

In Italy we visited Maratea, Pompeii and Herculaneum which were just so beautiful and a once in a lifetime opportunity, however it is becoming so evident how many tour companies and attractions use audio guides for tours which is great for hearing people but it would be fantastic if there was an app or a proper detailed guide that can guide you around different site/museums/galleries. I feel a bit left out sometimes having to get someone to repeat what they are listening too or just googling things myself as I go around. There is so many cool ways to make it more accessible for everyone.

I had a brilliant holiday with my family and my boyfriend; it was exactly what all of us needed. Exploring new places makes you realise that we all spend far too much time worrying about things instead of enjoying the cultures, food, views, natures and all the world has to offer. I recently purchased a GoPro so stay tuned for lots of travel pictures and videos on the blog and instagram.

Happy October!

Stay tuned for more content on Deaf Diaries and creative projects!

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