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24 Things I'm Grateful For At 24

Amy McMillan


TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY.. I'M NOW 24! That's pretty scary but also I feel that i've achieved a good amount for my age! The past few months have not been the nicest for me personally due to my health! Hopefully on the road to recovery and moving forward with all my 24th year has to offer me! I didn't want to celebrate my birthday this year because i've been in pain and sick for the last few months I felt their was nothing to celebrate, but I realised I did some big things this year finishing my Masters and winning an award and a lot of little personal goals that I worked hard at! This is only a bump in the road. SO here is 24 things that i'm grateful for at 24!

1. MY MUM. (What would I do without her!)

2. Having a sibling, lifes a little lighter when you no matter what will always have someone.

3. MY COUSINS. I feel very lucky to have Demitri & Vicki, excited to see them grow up!

4. The freedom to get an education and learn. We all take for granted the opportunites we get to learn freely.

5. My willpower, I get my internal determination from my mum.

6. MY EYES (We all know my ears are shit)

7. Animals! They make me so happy!

8. The ability to plan our own lives and do what we want to. You forget that not everyone has that option.

9. That I found a man that wants the same things in life as me.

10. Netflix! it's been great when i'm sick!

11. My friends that I don't see all the time but are always there!

12. Friends I have from all over the world.

13. Freedom of Expression.

14. CUDDLES. Literally all I need at the end of the day!

15. FOOD! We forget that it's a luxury to have so much access to food anytime we want.


17. My mobility! The fact that I can enjoy sports and fitness.

18. My Home! My safe place to go when i'm sick or tired!

19. The ability to create and be creative.

20. Tights. No shaving...Always Grateful.

21. Setbacks have not broken me but made me stronger!

22. Music! Love listening to soppy country music or some classic jazz!

23. Having people to talk to, makes life a bit lighter.

24. Having You! If your reading this your probably a friend or family, and i'm grateful for you!

See you on the flip side. #not23nomore

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