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A little catch up!

Amy McMillan

My partner in Crime


It's July and I have no idea how we got here! plus I don't know how i'm nearly two months into my new job! ( Which is going great thank you with kind regards!!) hehe.

This post was really a reach out to my friends and family to say SORRY! For the last nearly two months i've been suffering with health issues that have completely knocked me off my size 8 feet. (YEP SIZE 8 - BIG WOMAN) I've been taking everyday as it comes and just trying to keep hold of this new job! So I apologise to the people I haven't texted, seen or reached out too! Once i'm back on my feet it will be the first thing I do! And I love and miss you all!

ON THE POSITIVE. - No exercising meant I have time to sit and draw which has given me back the art bug and i'm excited to keep that going in the future, so look out for lots of new creative things! I'm determined to get my one ab back! it was a nice ab!

Here's a little collection of some sketches and drawings i've been doing!

I hope and pray that i'm back in action soonies!

Thank you to everyone who have been looking after me and giving me all the extra hugs I've needed!

oh and here they are right when they say "if you don't have your health, you don't have anything"

Onwards & Upwards!

Amy x

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