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My Deaf Thoughts..

Amy McMillan


We are currently going into the 5th month of 2018 and that is SO scary!

Everyone of course knows I'm deaf and get a bit confused cause not only can I talk...I CAN TAAAAAALLLLK. Especially about a lot of rubbish! But I thought I share with you some funny facts about my deaf life and experiences.

1. When your lipreading and people think your trying to kiss them. HIGHLY AWKWARD.

2. After asking for something to be repeated for maybe the 6th time.. you agree to do very annoying things! Don't be tricking me people!!

3. When people say "it must be tough" it's not the worst I actually have a excuse to ignore people and they can't get mad. Cause i'm deaf ye know. hehe.

4. The thought of being able to hear more one day TERRIFIES ME. What if I don't like it.. what if peoples voices are really annoying!

5. Lipreading people with moving dentures.. is like being in a horror movie.. utterly HORRIFIC.

6. I will leave people standing at the front door for hours. DOORBELLS AREN'T MY FRIEND.

7. One day I heard my car indicator and thought I'd turned on a BOMB. I nearly cried.

8. When I turn off my hearing aid off my brain just wants to sleep.. SLEEP MODE ACTIVATED.

9. Last year I got a new hearing aid and cried over hearing a crow. A CROW! HOW SAD.

10. If you shout in my face..I will punch you.. I just's just a natural reaction. sorry.

Key Advice Moment. - Don't speak louder or over stretch your mouth like a crazy person just look at me and communicate like a normal human being! Any deaf or hard of hearing person will be thankful!

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.

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