For our college student company we helped SERC (South Eastern Regional College) create their new 2015 billboard and advertising campaign. We gained a lot of valuable experience working within marketing and working to a brief. We had all designed and created different graphic ideas which we presented to the marketing team which was a great educational and professional experience.
Throughout the completion of the project we worked as a team dividing roles and responsibilities at each shoot to make a successful, professional shoot as well as rotating roles so each of us could experience taking the images, arranging lighting and analysing images feeding onto the computer. This worked really well, as their were 3 shoots we all got the opportunity to experience each role and we were commended on being very professional and well-organized. We all had completed are chosen graphics and refined them after our meeting with marketing then are best images from our photo shoots were placed into the graphics and printed off and presented for a final time to marketing. Final Presentation was very successful they were pleased with graphics and the photography and like are lighting style inspired by the work of Chase Jarvis. I really enjoyed recreating the lighting of Chase Jarvis and feel it worked extremely well especially in black and white.

• Photography: Amy McMillan