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The Struggle of Human Communications -1st ideas.

Amy McMillan

This is a Project I’ve been creating for a few years now, this is information and images from the 2014 part of The Struggle of Human Communications Project. I am profoundly deaf I wanted to show in photography the struggle of human communication this particular series of images were focusing on the sign language how strong of an impact a hand sign can make just as impacting as speech. This is an ongoing project and something i’m very passionate about and hoping to keep advancing and continuing. The 3rd image I feel is the most strong as it is used more by the hearing than the deaf, throughout my life I have seen hearing people say things about sign language and make fun and the majority have used sign language without even realising as movement is a very important part of expression. I also focused on body language and the way people use movement physical to show expression and tell a story.

Its something I treasure FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION!

• Photography: Amy McMillan

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